
Arrested refugee-immigrants by Ggia. CC BY SA 3.0
This is a topic that generates heated debate. Immigrants leave their countries for a variety of reasons, but these days they do it because they are desperate to escape from war and conflict.

Look at the photo on your left. What can you see? How do these people feel? How would you feel?

Making predictions with "bound to + infinitive"
Bound is an adjective and it means certain or highly likely to happen.

Example 1:  I am bound to forget students' names.
This sentence means that there is a good chance / it is highly probable that I will forget students' names if I only see them once a week.

Example 2: You are bound to feel nervous the first time that you give an oral presentation.
This means that you have never given an oral presentation and it is likely that you will feel nervous.

Example 3: The number of refugees coming to Europe is bound to rise.
This means that the number of refugees wil probably go up.

Reading about immigration
Click here to see images of the global refugee crisis, region by region

Read this article from HistoryToday  about the history of immigration in Britain.

Listen to a British reporter about migrants from Libya.

Watch this video
Before you watch this video
How much do you know about this man? What are his views on immigration?

Photo by Michael Vadon. CC BY SA

Watch these short videos about his views on Mexican migration.

After you watch
What would you tell Mr Trump if you had the chance?


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