Genghis Khan

National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Genghis Khan (1162 -1227) was the founder of the Mongol Empire, one of the most powerful forces in the world at that time.

He is known as the most brutal leader the world has ever known, but he was one of the most successful. He united many nomadic tribes in Asia and conquered Central Asia and northern China.

How can a child from humble beginnings living in cold and arid steppes become a great leader?

Mongolia today

How much do you know about Mongolia?

Public domain
Follow this link to learn some facts about Mongolia (capital, government, official language, population in Mongolia and China, geography and climate).

Mongol empire during Genghis Khan time

Read about Genghis Khan's life before you watch the video.

Look at this map and explain how Genghis Khan expanded from his Mongol Homeland.

National Geographic

New research may have brought light into why a Mongol nomadic tribe was able to conquer most of Asia in a few decades. Are you surprised? Do you agree with this study?

It's your turn
You are going to research famous people in history (a pioneer, a jinxed leader, a hero, someone who achieved fame or notoriety from humble beginnings, an outlaw, an amazing feat in battle, someone who underwent a great sacrifice to help others).
Some of you mentioned Julius Caesar, Nelson Mandela or Ghandi.

This is a speaking and not a writing task, so bring notes to class. You will be able to refer to your notes but not read from them.

If you would like to learn more about Genghis Khan, watch this TED talk fun video

I hope you enjoyed this lesson.


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