Pronunciation of -ough

Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz
Check the list of words below. Do you know how to pronounce them?
1) bough
2) rough
3) through
4) cough
5) enough

You are going to watch  a clip from the 1950s American sitcom I love Lucy. In this scene you will see Lucy asking Ricky, her Cuban American husband, to read a children's story. However, Ricky's English is not perfect.Make a note of how Ricky pronounces the words in the list above and how they should really be pronounced.

Are you surprised? Well, there are at least 10 more different ways in which you can pronounce -ough.
Click here to check.

You may wonder if there are any rules. What do you think?

Well, you can watch another video and see whether you can understand the rules.

Still unsure about the rules?
Follow this English language blog link
You can follow this link too (link provided by Nacho Miguel Arana. Thanks, Nacho). 


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