Education in the UK

Newcastle University. Public domain
This post is about the British educational system. You are going to learn about schools.

1) Do you remember these words?
nursery school, boarding school, state school,  private school
2) Do you know another word for private school?

How much do you know about schools in Britain? Can you answer the following questions?
  1. Is education in the UK compulsory? 
  2. When do children start school? 
  3. Can children be educated at home? 
  4. When does the academic year start and finish? 
  5. How much holiday do pupils get?
  6. What is GCSE? and A-levels? 
  7. What do these letters mean: A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, G?
  8. Do parents send their children to state or private schools?
  9. What is the difference between "state" and "public school"?
To check your answers to questions 1-7 click here.
To check your answers to questions 8-7 click here.

Public schools
Now you know that "public school" is a false friend in Spanish. Can you think of one famous public school in the UK?

Look at the photo below. This is Rugby school. That's right. There's a connection between the school and rugby. Do you know what it is? Click on Rugby school and check.

Rugby School by G-man. Public domain Wikimedia Commons
How expensive is Rugby school?
To give you an idea of how much the cost of Rugby School is, click on fees .

Another famous public school is Eton College. When was it founded? How much are the fees?

Eton College. Martin Kraft. CC BY SA 3.0
Click here to check the fees.

Free schools and academies
In addition to state and public schools, there are free schools and academies (be warned, another false friend). But what are they? Click here to find out.

Visit this page if you are still unclear about schools.

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