Reporting verbs

What words do you associate with seaside? When was the last time you went to the beach? Did you have a good time? Did anything wrong or unusual happen?

Has anyone or anything ever spoilt your holiday at the seaside?

You are going to read an extract from Bill Bryson's book Notes from a Big Country.

Read "A day at the seaside" and explain why Bryson had a hell of a time.

Click here to download a worksheet with vocabulary from the text above.

Reporting verbs

When we report or paraphrase a message or what someone said, we use reporting verbs such as tell, say, advise, convice, claim, suggest, recommend, etc.

Reporting verbs follow different patterns:

verb + direct object (hearer) + to-infinitive
Jenny asked me to come to the party

verb + direct object (hearer) + that clause
I convinced myself that I was doing the right thing

verb + to-infinitive
I refuse to tell you the truth

verb + that clause 

Claire recommends that you read In the heat of the night

Claire suggested that I went to the hospital 

verb + v-ing 
I propose doing extra homework

Bear in mind that each pattern can be used with different verbs. In some cases the same verb
can be used with more than one pattern. Click here to learn more.

For more resources and further practice, click here.

Let me know how you get on with reporting verbs.



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