
Public domain. Pixabay


1) What can you see in this picture?

2) What words come to your mind in connection with the word crime?

3) Make a list of different types of crime and the people involved in each type of crime.

4) What type of crime is common in Spain? How does Spain compare with other types of crime in the US, for example?

First we'll work on vocabulary and then on crimes that have shaken the people around the world and the media.

Vocabulary. Part 1

Complete Worksheet 1 about types of crme, criminals and crime verbs.

How much vocabulary do you remember?
Try this quiz. Any good? That's great

Now you are going to do something more challenging, mindmaps. Click on the link below to see a better picture.

Image by Nicogauro. Wikipedia. CC BY SA
Mindmaps can be very useful to remember a lot of vocabulary. Click here to see an example of a mindmap about crime.

You will notice that it has only some of the types of crime that we have seen in class. Your job is to have a go at designing your own mindmap with words related to crime.

You may decide to put all the types of crime only in one mindmap, or you may put all the types of crime plus their related nouns and crime verbs, or you may prefer to contrast two types of crime that you find difficult to remember.

Do you like this technique to learn vocabulary? What technique do you prefer?

Vocabulary. Part 2

Complete Worksheet 2 about crime and punishment verbs.

Reading about a crime that shook the world

Do you remember any crime that shook the world (this could be an old crime or a recent crime)?

  1. What was the crime?
  2. Where and when dit it happen?
  3. Who was involved?
  4. What was the sentence (if any)?

You are going to read about some crimes that shook Britain.
The Mirror: 10 crimes that shook Britain   

You may find this link interesting:  FBI: famous crimes and criminals 

Speaking about a crime that shook the world

You are going to talk about a crime. It could be an unresolved case, a famous case that happened a long time ago or a recent case. 

Remember to include the following information: what is the crime? when and where did it happen? who was involved? what was the sentence (if any)? Don't forget to include a short glossary with vocabulary. This will help your classmates to follow you.

 Well, I hope you find this post useful.

Students' work 

Here you will find some PowerPoint presentations that some students have kindly agreed to share. This work is shared under the Creative Commons Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

Bonnie and Clyde (by Begoña Casado Corral)
Jesse James (by Alvaro Partida Lea)
Jack the Ripper (by Carolina Cambronero García and Alba Gila Sevilla)
James Bulger (by Juan Manuel Chico Alcaide)
The Islamic State (by Lorena Vázquez Fernández)


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