Spain in the eye of the storm

Boby Dimitrov. Wikimedia Commons
Do you know why Spain has made headlines this week? When someone is involved in an argument that affects a lot of people that person is said to be in the eye of the storm.

Task 1.
Read the article Brussels takes action against Spain for refusing EU cards  and answer the following questions:

  • Why is the European Commission launching legal action against Spain?
  • What have Spanish doctors been doing wrong?
  • What can Brussels force Spain to do?

Task 1. Check this vocabulary before you watch:

to break the law     to fix the system     infringement procedure     EHIC card

Task 2. Watch the video and answer these questions.
Watch this BBC video about Spanish hospitals' rejection of EU health card.
  • What happened to Ray Burton in Spain?
  • What other two cases are mentioned?
  • What other country is breaking the law? Why?
For more tasks (fill-in the gaps, choose the correct preposition) click here to download a PDF file.


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