In and out of work
Public domain Can you answer these questions?: Do you know the difference between work and job ? Which words collocate with do and make ? For example, what is correct make or do a living ? Have you been made redundant recently? Which big company has announced a new round of layoffs ? How much paternity leave can you take in Spain? If you are a parent, how do you juggle work and family life ? What is the state retirement age ? Do you get any perks in your company? Vocabulary What words come to your mind if somebody mentions the following?: unemployment job security casual employment changing work patterns employment opportunities maternity/paternity leave sick leave childcare retirement Can you speak for 4-6 minutes on each topic? Well, you'll have to work at it or work your socks off! Topic 1. Unemployment Follow this link to read an article about Spain . Follow this link to read about benefits in the UK , and this one to read about redundan...