Living in the dark
The Blind Beggar by Jules Bastien Lepage - What can you see in this picture? - Do you know anybody who is blind or partially-sighted? - What other senses do you have to rely on when you are blind? - Can you use the Internet if you are blind? - Can you get money out of cash-machine if you are blind? - What other things can't you do that sighted people normally do? - Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you were blind? This post is about how technology can help the blind. Before you watch this video Think of gadgets or inventions that may help a partially-sighted or blind person if they wanted to get money out of a cash-machine to use the Internet to do sport to read a document or even a book Watch this video and answer the questions listed above. As you watch, bear in mind the following: Watch the video first to try to get the gist of the information. Watch a second time to answer the questions. Watch a third time if you need to. ...